Educational Strategies for the Training of Researchers in Family Medicine in Mexico

Alberto González-Pedraza Avilés, Rocío Dávila-Mendoza, María C. Ortiz-Zaragoza, Francisco J. Gómez-Clavelina

Knowledge and Use of Contraceptive Methods in Adolescents of a Health Care Center

María C. Sánchez-Meneses, Rocío Dávila-Mendoza, Efrén R. Ponce-Rosas

Parental Educational Styles and Adolescent Pregnancy

Socorro Pérez-López, María Catalina Ortiz-Zaragoza, Silvia Landgrave-Ibáñez, Alberto González-Pedraza Avilés

Level of Empathy in Physicians of the Emergency Room of a Public Hospital in Mexico City

Liliana Loyola-Durán, Silvia Landgrave-Ibáñez, Efrén R. Ponce-Rosas, Alberto González-Pedraza Avilés

Prevalence of Burnout among Workers of a Health Care Center

Raúl Olvera-Islas, Carolina Téllez-Villagra, Alberto González-Pedraza Avilés

Perception of Support in the Reconstituted Family: the Path to the Assembly

María del Rocío Montesinos-Guerrero, Hilda G. Madrigal-de León, Alberto González-Pedraza Avilés

Family Functionality in Patients with Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia

Daniella Guillermina Sainos-López, María Teresa Sánchez-Morales, Eduardo Vázquez-Cruz, Itzel Gutiérrez-Gabriel

Psychodynamic Analysis of Transference and Countertransference in the Formation of Family Physicians in Mexico

Ricardo Urbina-Méndez, Clara I. Hernández-Vargas, Isaías Hernández-Torres, Miguel Á. Fernández-Ortega, Arnulfo Irigoyen-Coria

Identify a case

Alejandro Guerrero-Zulueta, Bibiana Matilde Bernal-Gómez, Juan Sebastián Castro-Guerrero, Juan Sebastián Gómez-Castellanos, David Esteban Rebellón-Sánchez