Frequency of Metabolic Syndrome Risk Factors in Health Care Personnel

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Angélica Ibarra Gallardo
Jessica Lozada Hernánde
Gloria López Mendoza


Objective: To determine the frequency of metabolic syndrome risk factors in health personnel. Methods: cross-sectional study, where 52 health care workers participated. Workers with chronic degenerative diseases previously diagnosed were excluded. A diagnosis of metabolic syndrome was made according to the criteria used by the World Health Organization. Descriptive statistics were used for data analysis. Results: 75% were female, the average age was 37 years, 48.08% were overweight, 9.61% had prediabetes, 50% had dyslipidemia and 3.84% had hypertension. Conclusion: there were risk factors for the development of metabolic syndrome in health personnel; these factors were unknown to the participants in this study.


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How to Cite
Ibarra Gallardo, A., Lozada Hernánde, J., & López Mendoza, G. (2021). Frequency of Metabolic Syndrome Risk Factors in Health Care Personnel. Atención Familiar, 29(1), 36–40.

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