Associated Factors with Climacteric Syndrome in Women from Southern Sonora

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Alma L. Beltrán Salazar
Diego H. Ramírez Leyva
Carlos R. Blanco Hernández
Violeta Garibaldi Badilla
Elizabeth Terrazas Zazueta
María Citlaly Ochoa


Objective: To determine the factors associated with climacteric syndrome in women from southern Sonora, Mexico. Methods: case-control study conducted between April 2019 and March 2020. The sample consisted of 30 women in the case group (symptomatic) and 60 in the control group (asymptomatic) who met the selection criteria; sociodemographic, clinical and family information was obtained through a structured interview. For the bivariate analysis, odds ratio and Pearson’s χ2 were used with 95% confidence intervals; a p<0.05 value was considered statistically significant; in the multivariate analysis, logistic regression analysis was applied. Results: the main climacteric symptoms were muscular problems, vasomotor symptoms and sexual function alterations. The most frequent intensity was severe, followed by moderate and mild. The factors associated with climacteric symptoms in the bivariate and multivariate analysis were marital status (or 10.4, p=0.03) and lifestyle (or 4.6, p=0.01). Conclusions: marital status with a partner and leading a dangerous-bad-regular lifestyle are risk factors associated with climacteric symptoms.


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How to Cite
Beltrán Salazar, A. L., Ramírez Leyva, D. H., Blanco Hernández, C. R., Garibaldi Badilla, V., Terrazas Zazueta, E., & Citlaly Ochoa, M. (2021). Associated Factors with Climacteric Syndrome in Women from Southern Sonora. Atención Familiar, 28(4), 238–244.

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