Nutritional Status and its Association with Fragility in the Elderly with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

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Ivonne Lorenzo Colorado
Ana Laura Guerrero Morales


Objective: to evaluate the association between nutritional status and fragility in the elderly with type 2 diabetes mellitus (dm2). Methods: analytical cross-sectional study; 128 adults over 64 years of age participated, attached to the Family Medicine Unit (fmu) no. 75 of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (imss), during 2019; for the collection of data a Mini Nutritional Assessment identification card (mna) and the frail Questionnaire for frailty were used. The results are shown in frequencies and percentages, to determine the association between nutritional status and fragility the statistical χ2Test was used; considering a significant value of p≤ 0.05. Results: 66.4% of participants were women, 33.6% men. The median age was 74.43 years. An association between nutritional status and fragility was determined (p=0.000); of the 128 older adults involved 35.2% was fragile, 43.8%, pre-fragile and 21.1%, robust. 15.6% had malnutrition, 43.8%, risk of malnutrition and 40.6% was normal. Conclusion: the existence of an association between nutritional status and fragility was demonstrated, so it is important to promote strategies, from the first care level, that favor the timely prevention and detection of these entities which affect the elderly.


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How to Cite
Lorenzo Colorado, I., & Guerrero Morales, A. L. (2020). Nutritional Status and its Association with Fragility in the Elderly with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Atención Familiar, 27(3), 135–139.

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