Implications, access and cost of medicines in Mexico. Pending economic paradigm

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Tomás Mario Avales Ruvalcaba
Eduardo Mendeleev Becerra Verdín
Alfonso Castañeda Martínez
Jorge Rafael Figueroa Morales


Health in Mexico is a milestone that every day increases its distance towards population, and it has become a more and more difficult goal to reach for the average citizen. Access to effective care and quality leads to an accumulation of events, where the cost of drugs is a significant factor. However, there are measures that can be applied from the medical consultation to the established therapy. This implies respect the general health law in the field of drugs and the Mexican pharmaceutical policy by all professionals involved in the health-disease process.


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How to Cite
Avales Ruvalcaba, T. M., Becerra Verdín, E. M., Castañeda Martínez, A., & Figueroa Morales, J. R. (2017). Implications, access and cost of medicines in Mexico. Pending economic paradigm. Atención Familiar, 24(2).

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