Prevalence of Candida albicans and its Relation with pH Vaginal Changes

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José Antonio Sánchez Hernández
León González Belén
Karla Rojas Valderrama
Guillermo Muñoz Zurita


Objective: to identify the prevalence of Candida albicans and its relation with vaginal pH changes. Methods: 412 shots of cervix-vaginal samples were analyzed in order to detect cervical cancer and incidence of C. albicans and vaginal pH. The samples were obtained by the technique of papanicolaou. Results: 412 patients were studied, 104 (25%) presented C. albicans infection, which is associated with greater frequency to vaginal pH of 5. Conclusion: C. albicans is the main agent of vulvovaginitis fungal, it is associated with an incidence to vaginal pH of 5, however, and being an important factor it is not considered the unique manifestation of the disease.


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How to Cite
Sánchez Hernández, J. A., González Belén, L., Rojas Valderrama, K., & Muñoz Zurita, G. (2017). Prevalence of Candida albicans and its Relation with pH Vaginal Changes. Atención Familiar, 24(1).

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