Addiction to Gambling, Current Health Problem: What can the Family Physician do?

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Mónica Morales-Ramírez
José Manuel Ramírez-Aranda
Manuel Avilés-Cura
Teófilo Garza-Elizondo


Addiction to gambling or pathological gambling manifests itself in the inability to control the desire to make bets and as a consequence, this can cause the destruction of the economic, emotional, family, and social capital of a person. The Family Physician, by his profile, is located in a privileged position to prevent addiction to gambling, making early detection of people with “problem to play”; in addition to offer a comprehensive treatment, with the support of a multidisciplinary team.


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How to Cite
Morales-Ramírez, M., Ramírez-Aranda, J. M., Avilés-Cura, M., & Garza-Elizondo, T. (2015). Addiction to Gambling, Current Health Problem: What can the Family Physician do?. Atención Familiar, 22(4).

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