Scope of an Educational Strategy in Diabetic Patients of a Family Medicine Unit

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José Humberto Pichardo-Hernández
Norberto Enrique Elizaldi-Lozano


Objective: to carry out a strategy addressed to diabetic patients to improve control of their disease. Methods: educational intervention with pre- and post-test measurements, in which, the group of 20 patients carried out their own control; it consisted of sessions managed by the multidisciplinary team, it was carried out a survey on self-knowledge previously posted and it was applied non-parametric statistics. Results: there was a group of 20 diabetic patients, at the beginning of the study; two-thirds obtained low ratings, which reversed at the end with 13 patients with high and averages scores, with statistical significance. Conclusions: educating the patient is a support for their control self-control, which, certainly, is the right path to achieve change in lifestyles. Our proposal is to make groups of self-control to promote teaching during early stages of the disease. There should assign more financial and human resources for better results.


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How to Cite
Pichardo-Hernández, J. H., & Elizaldi-Lozano, N. E. (2015). Scope of an Educational Strategy in Diabetic Patients of a Family Medicine Unit. Atención Familiar, 22(4).

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