Biopsycho-social Factors that Influence the Choice of Vasectomy

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Lourdes Victoria Ramos-Salazar
Oscar Castañeda-Sánchez
Esteban Miguel López-Ruiz


Objective: determine the biopsycho-social factors that influence the choice of vasectomy in users of the Family Medicine Unit (umf) no. 1 of the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (imss) in Ciudad Obregon, Sonora, Mexico. Methods: it was conducted a study of cases and controls in the Family Medicine Unit, that included 111 men randomly chosen and coupled, 37 for the group of patients who had done vasectomy and were not recannulated, and 74 for the controls, these without vasectomy or diagnosis of sterility. To get the size of the sample a value of significance of 5% and statistical power of 90% were applied. The variables were: age, health status, number of children, satisfaction of parity, counseling, socio-demographic data, duration of marriage and addictions. The statistical analysis was performed with descriptive, parametric and non-parametric statistics. Results: the average age of interviewees was 36.8 ±6. 3 years, which was significant (p=0.048); education and social-economic level were also statistically significant factors (p=0.02 and 0. 041, respectively). Conclusions: men between 30 and 40 years of age, with a medium-high level of education accept six more times a vasectomy and those with a medium-high social-economic level or higher up to 4.4 more times.


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How to Cite
Ramos-Salazar, L. V., Castañeda-Sánchez, O., & López-Ruiz, E. M. (2015). Biopsycho-social Factors that Influence the Choice of Vasectomy. Atención Familiar, 22(3).

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