Users’ Profile of Family Planning Methods of a Family Medicine Unit in Reynosa, Tamaulipas, Mexico

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José Luis Barrientos-Guerrero
Elizabeth de los Reyes-Cortéz


Objective: to determine the socio-economic profile and obstetric history of users of family planning methods (fpm) of a Family Medicine Unit (fmu). Material and methods: observational descriptive, cross-sectional and prospective study; and a not randomized sample. At the 33 fmu in Reynosa, Tamaulipas, it was interviewed 167 women in fertile age, sexually active using or not some kind of fpm. Results: 83% of the interviewed women were sexually active and used some type of fpm; their mean age was 29.9 years, medium 29 years, and trend 26 years, minimum age 19 years and maximum 46 years; 76% was married –from this percentage 88% used some fpm–. According to their level of education, 17% did not use any method of family planning, while 83% of childbearing women used some method. The main source of information on the use of the fpm is still the Family Physician (fp). Conclusions: it is part of the work of the fp to know the profile of women at childbearing age in order to guide them on each fpm with particular emphasis on the duration time and effectiveness whereas their expectations of life in aspects such as employment, economic, social and cultural.


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How to Cite
Barrientos-Guerrero, J. L., & de los Reyes-Cortéz, E. (2015). Users’ Profile of Family Planning Methods of a Family Medicine Unit in Reynosa, Tamaulipas, Mexico. Atención Familiar, 21(2).

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