Sobramfa experience: Family Physicians as Professors of Six Faculties of Medicine in Sao Paulo, Brazil

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Pablo González Blasco
Adriana F.T. Roncoletta
Marco Aurélio Janaudis
Graziela Moreto
Marcelo R. Levites
María Auxiliadora C. de Benedetto
Deborah S.O. García
Thais Raquel Pinheiro
Cauê F. Mônaco



Sobramfa experiences in the University teaching activity lead to a conclusion: the most important thing is to incorporate into teaching, and focus on students to provide them with help. Have the flexibility to adapt to a multitude of educational possibilities and know how to choose the values that are lived in family medicine. What really matters, and the student appreciated, is teaching with dedication and enthusiasm.


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González Blasco, P., Roncoletta, A. F., Janaudis, M. A., Moreto, G., Levites, M. R., de Benedetto, M. A. C., García, D. S., Pinheiro, T. R., & Mônaco, C. F. (2012). Sobramfa experience: Family Physicians as Professors of Six Faculties of Medicine in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Atención Familiar, 19(4).

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