Social demographic profile in patients who asked for the hiv test in a Primary Care Unit in Mexico City

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Dolores Güemes García
Alejandro Mondragón Rocha
Hilda Gabriela Madrigal de León
E. Raúl Ponce Rosas
Consuelo González Salinas
Irma Jiménez Galván


Objective: to analyze the experience held at the Centro de Consejería y Diagnóstico Voluntarios (CCDV) of the Primary Care Unit “Dr. José Castro Villagrana (CSJCV) since 2001 to 2006, and from this point to contribute to build a social demographic profile in patients who use this service. Material and methods: descriptive, cross-sectional and retrospective study. It was made between 2001 and 2006 at the ccdv of the csjsc. Starting on January 2007, information of 100 General Data Cards (FDG) was stored weekly until gather 1,799. 1,802 persons were given advice. The statistical analysis was made with descriptive statistics: central, dispersion and briefing tendency measures. Results: female 1,017 (56.5%) and male 782 (43.5%). Scholar age: an average of 10.4 years with a standard deviation of 4.7 a minimum value of zero years and maximum of 20 years. The main motive of both women and men who asked for advised at the ccdv was that they had sexual relations without the use of any preservative in 997 cases (55.4%). Conclusions: it was obtained the profile of the users and the attention given at the ccdv was identified as high quality without the violation of any human right.


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How to Cite
Güemes García, D., Mondragón Rocha, A., Madrigal de León, H. G., Ponce Rosas, E. R., González Salinas, C., & Jiménez Galván, I. (2011). Social demographic profile in patients who asked for the hiv test in a Primary Care Unit in Mexico City. Atención Familiar, 18(1).

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