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Saúl Ibargoyen


This work by the Uruguayan writer Saúl Ibargoyen analyses the Broad Front victory in the recent elections. This Front is allied with the Progressive Encounter and New Majority. He studies the historical trends as well as their projection into the future. The left coming to power, together with its candidate, Tabaré Vázquez, has deep meaning, and it crowns a more than thirty year long effort in favor of social unity, real democracy and anti-imperialism, confirmed by the masses and including participation of the Uruguayan people. The Latin American Broad Front goes forward.

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How to Cite
Ibargoyen, S. (2010). URUGUAY: EVERYBODY’S VICTORY. Archipielago. Revista Cultural De Nuestra América, 12(46). Retrieved from https://journals.unam.mx/index.php/archipielago/article/view/19709

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