La religiosidad popular en la globalización

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Anna María Fernández Poncela


Images and sanctuaries of the popular religiosity, grow in devotes, today. There are international phenomena and their influence areas become more extense, this is product of the migrations and the globalization. The tradition changes, and the local and regional are internationalized. The ecclesiastical hierarchy changes too, pilgrims don’t only arrive at the sanctuary, the image goes on pilgrimage, it travels to the United States, for example. The articles for sale around the cult arrive from Asia, going through Europe, finishing in Mexican or American homes. We will see this with the case study on the Santo Niño de Atocha (Plateros, Fresnillo, Zacatecas) and the Virgen de San Juan de los Lagos (San Juan, el Bajío, Jalisco), in Mexico.


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How to Cite
Fernández Poncela, A. M. (2010). La religiosidad popular en la globalización. Annals of Anthropology, 43.

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