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Dra. Trilce Fabiola Ovilla Bueno


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming key industries like employment, healthcare, and criminal justice, but it also introduces significant ethical and legal challenges, particularly regarding gender bias. AI systems, often trained on biased historical data, can perpetuate and even amplify existing gender inequalities. This essay examines the legal implications of gender bias in AI, focusing on challenges to anti-discrimination laws, transparency issues, and the need for regulatory oversight. Gender bias in AI arises when systems are trained on datasets that reflect societal inequalities, leading to discriminatory outcomes. This bias is not a technical flaw, but rather a consequence of using data and algorithms that mirror patterns of discrimination. The lack of diversity among AI developers, who are predominantly male, exacerbates this issue by failing to account for the perspectives and needs of women and marginalized groups.

In legal contexts, the use of AI in hiring, criminal justice, and risk assessment raises ethical concerns. AI-driven systems risk reinforcing historical gender biases, which can undermine fairness in decision-making processes. Unchecked, these biases could worsen disparities in critical areas such as recruitment and justice administration, threatening legal protections. A major legal challenge is how AI interacts with existing anti-discrimination laws. To address these challenges, transparency in AI decision-making is essential. Regulatory frameworks must evolve to require regular audits of AI systems and enforce accountability for biased outcomes. Ethical guidelines are insufficient; mandatory legal oversight is needed to ensure AI promotes fairness and inclusivity.

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How to Cite
Ovilla Bueno, D. T. F. (2024). GENDER BIAS IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: A CRITICAL PERSPECTIVE AND LEGAL ANALYSIS. Amicus Curiae. Revista Electrónica De La Facultad De Derecho, (26), 20–29.

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Author Biography

Dra. Trilce Fabiola Ovilla Bueno, Académica

Mexican lawyer. PhD in Law.  She holds a master's degree in Corporate Law and has master's studies in Constitutional Procedural Law. She obtained a specialized degree in Political Training: Europe-Latin America Perspectives. Full-time professor at the School of Law at UNAM.


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