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Roxana Trigueros Olivares


The present work has as purpose to expose some of the ideas related to a fraction of the legal ideology or legal discourse. Some theories are used to make an approximation to what is hiding behind the legal texts. In this case, democracy and real factors appear as the protagonists of the ideological instrument called Constitution. The constitutional order is and has been mentioned by critics as an instrument to legitimate and perpetuate the State’s liberal power. Even though the ideology can be part of the constitutional text, it justifies and camouflages the decisions of those whom are using the power and imposing it to the rest of the inhabitants of a territory.

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How to Cite
Trigueros Olivares, R. (2013). IDEOLOGÍA, CONSTITUCIÓN Y DEMOCRACIA. Amicus Curiae. Revista Electrónica De La Facultad De Derecho, 1(1).

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