Surveillance of treated water quality using the Geographic Information System (GIS) in the Municipality of Belém, Pará, Brazil

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Fábio Sergio Lima Brito
Karoline da Costa Barros
Claudinei Rodrigues de Aguiar


Safe drinking water is an essential human right for all segments of society. In this sense, the water quality surveillance program for human consumption (VIGIAGUA) aims to promote the collective and preventive health of the population in order to reduce the aggravation of diseases related to water transmission, through the management of risks related to the water supply system. In this context, the present study aimed to specialize and analyze the quality data of treated water in the municipality of Belém-PA-Brazil, located in the Amazon region of the State of Pará, using the Geographic Information System (GIS) tool. The methodology was divided into three main stages: initially, data from the Water Quality Surveillance Information System (SISAGUA) were consulted; subsequently, the service goals were evaluated with the coverage of the water supply system and verification of compliance with the sampling plan required by VIGIAGUA. In addition, thematic maps were prepared comparing the results with the potability standards required by current legislation. The results for the basic parameters indicated that the turbidity was in accordance with the value of 5 uT for waters from surface water abstraction and 1 uT for groundwater as required by Ordinance n. 888, of May 4, 2021, of the Ministry of Health (MS). On the other hand, the variables of free residual chlorine, total coliforms and Escherichia coli showed "VERY POOR" performance due to the alteration of the water distributed to the population. Therefore, this scenario of vulnerability puts the health of the population at risk due to the physical, chemical and microbiological contamination of the water in the public supply system of the municipality of Belém, pointing to the need for emergency public policies so that the potability standard is met.

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How to Cite
Brito, F.S.L. , Barros, K. da C. and Rodrigues de Aguiar, C. 2024. Surveillance of treated water quality using the Geographic Information System (GIS) in the Municipality of Belém, Pará, Brazil . Revista AIDIS de ingeniería y ciencias ambientales: Investigación, desarrollo y práctica. 17, 3 (Dec. 2024), 741–762. DOI:

Citas en Dimensions Service


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