Diagnosis of environmental impacts in a section of the Piancó – Piranhas – Açu, River, Northeastern Brazil

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Daniele de Almeida Carreiro
Laércio Leal dos Santos
Ricardo de Aragão
José Cleidimário Araújo Leite
William de Paiva
Tássio Jordan Rodrigues Dantas da Silva
José Ludemario da Silva Medeiros


The degradation of aquatic environments has become one of the main ecological concerns of today, mainly due to the essential role of water resources for the proper functioning of ecosystem services and economic development. In this research, we aimed to perform a diagnosis of the environmental impacts on the waters of the stretch of the Piancó-Piranhas-Açu River between the cities of Paulista-PB and São Bento-PB. For data collection, photo documentation, field visits and consultations with municipal agencies were carried out.  For the georeferencing of the area of influence, the QGIS software was used. Subsequently, the anthropic activities in the area were catalogued, and using the Ad Hoc methods, Check Lists, Interaction Matrix, and Networks, the environmental impacts were identified, significant impacts were selected and classified, and, finally, environmental control measures were indicated. From the results obtained, 13 anthropic activities were identified, with 86 environmental impacts on the stretch considered. Of this total, 32% were selected as "significant" and 50% as "significant". Most of the observed impacts are related to urbanization, textiles activities, the discharge of untreated effluents into the water body, and extensive livestock farming commonly developed in preservation areas, which causes water pollution and the eutrophication process. Finally, it is expected that the results and control measures indicated will help in the environmental recovery of the river stretch, as well as in the management of the hydrographic basin by the competent agencies.

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Carreiro, D. de A. , Santos , L.L. dos ., Aragão, R. de, Leite, J.C.A. , Paiva, W. de ., Dantas da Silva, T.J.R. and Medeiros, J.L. da S. 2024. Diagnosis of environmental impacts in a section of the Piancó – Piranhas – Açu, River, Northeastern Brazil. Revista AIDIS de ingeniería y ciencias ambientales: Investigación, desarrollo y práctica. 17, 1 (Apr. 2024), 19–38. DOI:https://doi.org/10.22201/iingen.0718378xe.2024.17.1.83993.

Citas en Dimensions Service


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