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Isabel Pulido Rodríguez
María Tania García López


The Initial Environmental Review is a tool for identifying the environmental situation of a company and each of its areas. This revision is not an indispensable requirement of ISO 14001:2015, nor is it mandatory to comply with it; however, it is a clear benefit to apply it. In 2014 the company under study implemented an Environmental Management System, based on ISO 14001 version 2004; however, in 2015 there was a change in the content of this international standard, all industries based on the previous version were affected. In addition, in 2017 the company expanded its infrastructure, triggering an expansion in operating systems. The objective of this paper was the elaboration of the proposal of a new Environmental Management System that was relevant to the turn of the organization, preparing an initial diagnosis of its environmental situation and identifying the points where the company was not complying with legal requirements. As a result of this work, a methodology was developed which is considered to be replicable in other companies in the sector, due to the excellent results obtained.

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How to Cite
Rodríguez, I.P. and García López, M.T. 2023. PROPOSED METHODOLOGY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM BASED ON THE INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 14001:2015 FOR A COMPANY IN THE AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY . Revista AIDIS de ingeniería y ciencias ambientales: Investigación, desarrollo y práctica. 16, 3 (Dec. 2023), 906–927. DOI:

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