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Jéssica Paula de Oliveira Rodrigues
Cláudia da Silva Aguiar Rezende
Marcelo Mendes Pedroza
Marcelo Grison


In order to disseminate knowledge about the control of anthropic activities arising from the implementation of large urban centers, this research had the objective to analyze qualitative and quantitative parameters about the water bodies of the Palmas-TO city as a baseline to the actions of Ambiental monitoring in the urban watersheds of this region. The study area is compost for 8 water bodies inside the macrozone of the territorial ordering of the municipium with the streams: Cachimbo, Sussuapara, Brejo Comprido, Prata, Machado, Santa Barbara e Taquari. It was determined the parameters physico-chemistry and microbiology of the stream’s quality water. The evaluation of hydrological aspects was made by the flow measurements, using the equipment Flowtracker serial P5001 and Sontek riversurveyor M9. The water quality results were evaluated according to CONAMA Resolution 357/05, for Class 2 water bodies. The results provides evidences that the degradation of the water’s quality in the urban streams is a result of the urban expansion, that requires control actions and land use planning in order to minimize the environmental impacts and enabling to follow the the water quality standards pre-established by the Brazilian legislation.

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How to Cite
Rodrigues, J.P. de O. , Rezende, C. da S.A., Pedroza, M.M. and Grison, M. 2023. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING OF URBAN STREAM IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF PALMAS – TO. Revista AIDIS de ingeniería y ciencias ambientales: Investigación, desarrollo y práctica. 16, 3 (Dec. 2023), 762–778. DOI:https://doi.org/10.22201/iingen.0718378xe.2023.16.3.83205.

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