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Daisy Escobar Castillejos
Jaime Rendón Von Osten
Hugo A. Guillén Trujillo
Adriana Caballero Roque
José A. Figueroa Gallegos


The classification of persistent organic compounds include 12 highly toxic compounds harmful to humans and the environment. The following pesticides are included into the previous classification: The hexachlorocyclohexane, specifically gamma-HCH isomer (lindane), and endosulfan. Both are organochlorines compounds which are banned in other countries, but they are still used in Mexico. These compounds have physicochemical characteristics that allow them to have affinity for solid particles (adsorption), which will provide a permanence in different environmental matrices. Simultaneous exposure to organochlorine pesticides can cause health effects on remote areas where health systems are few or absent. Consequently, health systems do not track cases of malformations, presence of cancer or others diseases, which sometimes they may result from using of these substances. Rural communities are examples of this situation. The use of these substances in these areas are commonplace due to the fact that they are agricultural regions, or they have been malaria-Irrigation District No. 101, Cuxtepeques, Chiapas in order to assess the extent of the exposure of populations living in these areas. The determination of HCH and endosulfan in agricultural soils was performed by gas chromatography, coupled to an electron capture detector. The results from soils showed levels of these contaminants in the range of 159,357 ppm ND for HCH, and ND to 133.79 ppm for endosulfan. These results are higher than those reported for other agricultural regions in the Mexican republic, so that the knowledge of this situation shows the potential risk for the residents of the study areas.

Key Words: Irrigation District, Persistent compounds, Soils.

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How to Cite
Escobar Castillejos, D., Rendón Von Osten, J., Guillén Trujillo, H.A., Caballero Roque, A. and Figueroa Gallegos, J.A. 2015. ENDOSULFAN HEXACHLOROCYCLOHEXANE DETERMINATION IN THE AGRICULTURAL SOILS OF CHIAPAS, MEXICO. Revista AIDIS de ingeniería y ciencias ambientales: Investigación, desarrollo y práctica. 8, 3 (Aug. 2015), 161–170.

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Author Biography

Daisy Escobar Castillejos

Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas, Blvd. Belisario Domínguez, Km. 1081. Terán,
Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, México. Email: daisyec@hotmail.com