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Anderson Alan da Cruz Coelho
Hundson Damasceno Maia
José William Alves da Silva
João Henrique Cavalcante Bezerra
Renato Teixeira Moreira
Wladimir Ronald Lobo Farias


The potential environmental impacts from intensive aquaculture have increased public concern about the sustainability of the activity. This study aimed to evaluate the production of algal biomass and removal rate of nitrogen compounds by Spirulina platensis in effluent of juvenile Nile tilapia (Oreocrhomis niloticus). The experiment was conducted at the Biotechnology Centre Applied Aquaculture (CEBIAQUA) of the Department of Fisheries Engineering, Ceará Federal University. For the cultivation of S. platensis, initially the inoculum was cultivated in alternative chemical medium and later adapted to the effluent of Nile tilapia. After the full development of S. platensis, collection of the microalgae was performed by filtering the water 60 micrometers screens. We monitored the levels of ammonia, nitrate and nitrite during the trial period of 29 days. The results showed that the microalgae easily adapted and developed in the effluent of Nile tilapia and there was a significant bioremediation of effluent, reducing the concentrations of ammonia, nitrate and nitrite.

Keywords: Spirulina platensis, Nile tilápia, bioremediation.

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How to Cite
Alan da Cruz Coelho, A., Damasceno Maia, H., Alves da Silva, J.W., Cavalcante Bezerra, J.H., Teixeira Moreira, R. and Lobo Farias, W.R. 2014. BIOREMEDIATION OF WASTEWATER OF NILE TILAPIA CULTIVATION BY MICROALGAE Spirulina platensis. Revista AIDIS de ingeniería y ciencias ambientales: Investigación, desarrollo y práctica. 7, 1 (Apr. 2014), 11–18.

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