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Paula Dias Bevilacqua
Marisa Barletto
Cristian Ferreira de Souza
Cristiane Magalhães de Melo
Rafael Kopschitz Xavier Bastos


In the first term of 2010, it was proposed to the students enrolled in the course Epidemiology Applied to Environmental Sanitation (37 students) offered for degree in Environmental Engineering at Federal University of Viçosa the development of a portfolio as a complementary assessment of learning. The portfolios were assessed by the teacher and the teaching interns in the middle and the end of term. Overall, at the final assessment, the groups of students presented well prepared portfolios, but in the proceeding assessment, it was realized that few groups had made progress, i.e., the construction of the portfolio happen at the end of the course. For some students, the portfolio ended up being 'just another' task among others developed in other courses they were enrolled in the term. The students assessed the portfolio as a 'different' 'valid' and 'innovative' instrument but 'laborious' and 'difficult to implement' because, as it was done in group, demanded meetings of its members, which is not easy to be coordinated due to several academic tasks. Despite the difficulties, experience has shown the applicability of the portfolio of the course content. Portfolio should be enhanced to become a more viable and effective teachinglearning instrument.

Keywords: active methodologies, curriculum, teaching-learning, training.

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How to Cite
Dias Bevilacqua, P., Barletto, M., Ferreira de Souza, C., Magalhães de Melo, C. and Xavier Bastos, R.K. 2013. EPIDEMIOLOGY TEACHING IN ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING UNDERGRADUATE COURSES: THE PORTFOLIO AS A TOOL FOR ASSESSMEN. Revista AIDIS de ingeniería y ciencias ambientales: Investigación, desarrollo y práctica. 6, 2 (Aug. 2013), 46–55.

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Author Biography

Paula Dias Bevilacqua, Departamento de Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Viçosa.

Departamento de Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Viçosa. Av. PH Rolfs s/n - Campus Universitário
CEP: 36570 000 - Viçosa – MG, Brasil. Email: paula@ufv.br