It Is Time for Robotics in Architecture

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Ronan Bolaños Linares


The incorporation of robotics in architecture is possible today thanks to the access to different tools that derive in many cases from considering parametric design strategies. The evolution and incorporation of robotics in architecture is recognized by reviewing its characteristics, the end of arm tools used in the production of architectural elements, as well as some experiences in their implementation. The players, organizations involved, future challenges and some advantages that automation could imply are reviewed, as well as very clear examples of commercially available robots for use especially in the building industry.


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How to Cite
Bolaños Linares, R. (2019). It Is Time for Robotics in Architecture. Academia XXII, 10(20), 121–151.

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Author Biography

Ronan Bolaños Linares, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Graduate School of Architecture

Profesor titular de la Facultad de Arquitectura de la UNAM, Doctor con mención cum laude por la UPC. Arquitecto con mención honorífica por la UNAM. Miembro del SNI Nivel I. Reconocimiento DUNJA en Arquitectura y Diseño 2017. Responsable del Laboratorio de Arquitectura + Diseño y Tecnología Experimental. Imparte Cursos de Diseño Paramétrico desde 2010. Cátedra Especial Javier García Lascurain 2019 ‘Fundamentos de Diseño Paramétrico y Fabricación Robotizada’. Socio de Bolaños Boo Arquitectos.