The Habitability, the Architectonic, and the Habitable in the Understanding of the Production of the Biopsychosocial-anthropological of the Living and Habitant Human Being

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Héctor García Olvera


In this essay it’s been proposed to expose, explain and, in this way, to encourage critical consideration about the term: “architectural ism”. It is meant as a transcendental dimension that in the eld of architectural pro- duction, it is already the result of a consolidation or connection of the per- manence and natural production in the self of the humane; of the human being that ‘inhabits’, that is sociable, and is alive in the “architectural ism”. Adding the production of its physical transformation built as habitable.

It is also the formal and adequate space so that the human being, in this process, understands and exists in this union, and it has as well obtained and produced the dimension of the human quality of the “archi- tectural ism”. The option of its vital use and consumption is at the same time the generator of the nite and vital permanence.

Taking in consideration that the vitality must be well anchored to the advances of science related to the humane and most importantly to the transdiscipline of the biopsychosocio-cultural of this process in which it must produce and obtain the living experience of Nature and the Humane: the beauty and steadfastness of the so called the “architectural ism”.


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How to Cite
García Olvera, H. (2019). The Habitability, the Architectonic, and the Habitable in the Understanding of the Production of the Biopsychosocial-anthropological of the Living and Habitant Human Being. Academia XXII, 10(20), 90–106.

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Author Biography

Héctor García Olvera, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Graduate School of Architecture, Research Center of Architecture, Urbanism and Landscape Architecture

Arquitecto, Maestro en Arquitectura, Maestro en Di- seño Industrial, Doctorando en Arquitectura, Profesor titular de carrera, nivel “C”, T. C., en la Facultad de Arquitectura de la UNaM. Profesor de formación académica, con 55 años de labor docente en Taller de Pro- yectos, Tecnología, y Teoría e Historia, así como en la Maestría y Docto- rado, Taller de Investigación del Diseño Arquitectónico. Autor de libros y artículos, tutor de tesis y exámenes profesionales y de grado, Consejero Técnico, Consejero Universitario, miembro del Centro de Investigacio- nes de la Facultad, miembro de la Academia Mexicana de Arquitectura. Cuenta con 55 años de experiencia profesional; dos premios nacionales de Diseño Industrial y fabricación de vivienda. Miembro de la Comisión Dictaminadora y del Área de elaboración de Planes de Estudio. Fun- dador “Curso seminario permanente de la experiencia de lo espacial, la habitabilidad y el diseño arquitectónico”, de la DGAPA. Miembro del Consejo Académico del Área de las Humanidades y las Artes, y Premio Universidad Nacional 2017.