The building process and conservation of the church of El Carmen in Celaya

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Isabel Cervantes Tovar


This essay presents the construction phases of the XVIth century church of El Carmen in Celaya, in the state of Guanajuato, Mexico. The initial building by Friar Andres de San Miguel, modifications by Eduardo Tresguerras, and later restorations culminating in 2006 are discussed in detail. Although the building is well known, there are few studies devoted to its building process, and the geological, social and architectural conditions it fa-ced. A close analysis of the actual buil-ding allows for detection of the work of its best known architects, as well as the successive restoration projects required for its conservation.


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How to Cite
Cervantes Tovar, I. (2015). The building process and conservation of the church of El Carmen in Celaya. Academia XXII, 5(8).

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Author Biography

Isabel Cervantes Tovar, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México

Licenciada en Historia y maestra en Historia del Arte por la UNAM. Profesor de Asignatura en la FFyL de la UNAM. Participante en los proyectos de investigación Independencia Nacional, Bibliografía del Patrimonio Histórico, Arquitectónico y Urbano Nacional y La Biblioteca de la Academia de San Carlos, todos ellos desarr