The loss of Social Value in Housing

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Esther Maya Pérez
Elvira Maycotte Panzsa


The topic of housing has been an object of worry for most countries. In Latin America the issue takes on a particular meaning, as housing programs are the product of financial public policies that have deprived popular sectors from the possibility of access to housing. In part, this has to do with the loss of the “social” concept of social interest housing, which was initially destined to low-income sectors of society. With the inclusion of financial and real estate agents in the process and the decreasing role of the State as a regulating agent, housing costs have risen and become inaccessible to popular sectors. Therefore so-called social interest housing is being increasingly acquired by middle class groups, not always to solve primary housing needs, but as a secondary residence for occasional use, or as property which becomes a source of income in the rental market.


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How to Cite
Maya Pérez, E., & Maycotte Panzsa, E. (2011). The loss of Social Value in Housing. Academia XXII, 2(2).

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