Multi-level public-public partnerships for access to water in Buenos Aires
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This paper aims to explore the innovative financing model between the regional public development bank FONPLATA and the Argentine company Agua y Saneamientos Argentinos S.A. (AySA), aimed at supporting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area. In 2019, FONPLATA approved a loan to finance the Water + Work and Sewer + Work (A/C+T) programs, aimed at improving water and sanitation services and generating local employment through the contracting of cooperatives. This results-based loan ties disbursements to specific goals, such as water and sewer connections, job creation, and gender equity. The paper seeks to highlight the collaborative efforts between FONPLATA and AySA, showing how public-public partnerships can address socioeconomic goals efficiently. The article also studies the challenges and successes involved in the implementation of this financing model, which has set a precedent for similar and subsequent loans in this type of program, historically financed by the National Treasury. By analyzing the development and impact of the FONPLATA-AySA collaboration, the article contributes to the debate on the financing of sustainable public services and the role of public development banks in the quest to achieve the SDGs.
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