Who Approves of Marriage Equality in Mexico? Generational Gaps, Education and the Lack of Partisan Differences
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In Mexico, the legal recognition of same-sex marriage began twelve years ago in the country's capital. Following this reform, same-sex marriage legislation has advanced and encountered different obstacles at the national level. This article examines the development and current state of public opinion regarding same-sex marriage in Mexico through theories based on modernization, generational change, political attitudes, and religion. In order to test our hypotheses, this research uses data from LAPOP surveys (2010-2018) in a series of regression models. Our findings indicate that higher educational levels, being younger and living in urban areas makes it more likely for individuals to support same-sex marriage. In contrast, those who are part of evangelical groups are more likely to disagree than Catholics or people without a religious affiliation. On average, there is a trend of growing support for same-sex marriage legislation in Mexico.
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