Factorial analysis of sagittal cephalometric measurements of the upper airways

Contenido principal del artículo

Adrián Luna Godoy
Luis Cruz Chávez
Ofelia Rodríguez Anaya
Diana Montoya Guzmán
Sergio Sánchez García
Fernando Ángeles Medina
Jacqueline Rodríguez Chávez
Luis Pablo Cruz Hervert


There are different cephalometric measurements to evaluate the dimensions of the upper airways using a lateral headfilm. It is unknown how many characteristics are possible to study from the available measurements and which are the most useful measurements for this purpose. Objective: To identify factors of measurement of the upper airways and determine their association to craniofacial dimensions. Material and methods: Cross-sectional study. We analyzed lateral headfilms and performed a principal factor analysis for upper airways measurements: N-S-Ba, BaS-PNS, AD1, AD2, PTV to Adenoid (DPTV) and Airway % (A%). Results: We analyzed 151 records, without previous orthodontic treatment or craniofacial syndrome. We identified two principal factors: Factor 1 (F1) includes AD1, AD2, DPTV and A%, and factor 2 (F2) includes Na-S-Ba and Ba-S-PNE. Conclusions: F1 was related to linear dimensions and F2 to structural characteristics.

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Cómo citar
Luna Godoy, A., Cruz Chávez, L., Rodríguez Anaya, O., Montoya Guzmán, D., Sánchez García, S., Ángeles Medina, F., Rodríguez Chávez, J., & Cruz Hervert, L. P. (2019). Factorial analysis of sagittal cephalometric measurements of the upper airways. Revista Mexicana De Ortodoncia, 6(2). Recuperado a partir de https://journals.unam.mx/index.php/rmo/article/view/68250

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