Revista Mexicana de Bachillerato a Distancia
Publicación electrónica arbitrada y de acceso abierto, que tiene como propósito divulgar resultados de investigación, teoría y mejores prácticas en bachilleratos a distancia.Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Méxicoes-ESRevista Mexicana de Bachillerato a Distancia2395-9800<a href="" rel="license"><img style="border-width: 0;" src="" alt="Licencia de Creative Commons" /></a><br />Este obra está bajo una <a href="" rel="license">licencia de Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 4.0 Internacional</a>.The value of literature in high school
<p>In this video, Mexican novelist and essay writer Jorge Comensal highlights the importance of literature in the education of upper secondary students. He emphasizes its role in broadening general cultural knowledge, exposing students to diverse perspectives and new worlds, and enhancing their communication skills. Comensal also connects the distance high school experience with the intellectual enrichment opportunities provided by the online version of the Revista de la Universidad de México, under his direction.</p>Jorge Comensal
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2025-03-012025-03-01173310.22201/cuaieed.20074751e.2025.33.90975From UNESCO to UNAM: Adaptation of a framework of teaching competencies in artificial intelligence for education
<p>This work analyzes the attributes proposed by UNESCO regarding competencies in artificial intelligence, establishing their relationship with the responsibilities of the stakeholders involved in the educational sector. Furthermore, these guidelines are linked to the programmatic lines of UNAM’s Institutional Development Program, which outlines strategies and objectives for the 2023-2027 period. In this way, the study aims to align digital competencies with institutional goals, promoting the ethical, responsible and effective integration of these technologies in both secondary and higher education, including traditional, open and distance education.</p> Erik Carbajal-Degante
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2025-03-012025-03-01173310.22201/cuaieed.20074751e.2025.33.90977Redesign of the Online High School Program at University of Guadalajara
<p>In recent years, educational trends have emphasized the importance of flexibility in learning environments, reaffirming universities' commitment to adapting to the demands of the contemporary world. Under this premise, the redesign of the Online High School Program at UDG addresses the need to offer a more inclusive and flexible education, enabling students to develop transversal skills that foster complex problem-solving and the integration of knowledge across various fields. This article presents the background of the program, its core principles and areas of study, as well as the process of thematic integration of subjects and specialized training</p>Romy Florencia Hernández PérezMelisa Aurora Briones Bautista
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2025-03-012025-03-01173310.22201/cuaieed.20074751e.2025.33.90978Accessibility, a key factor for educational inclusion in the Bachillerato Virtual of the Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa
<p>This article provides a general overview of the Accessibility Project for the Virtual High School Program at the Autonomous University de Sinaloa. The project emerged in response to identified needs that led to curricular adaptations for students with disabilities, with the clear goal of creating a platform and content accessible to all individuals, regardless of their condition or whether they have visual impairments. This ensures their inclusion in online upper secondary education.</p>Araceli Torres DomínguezMireya Guadalupe Sánchez Santos
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2025-03-012025-03-01173310.22201/cuaieed.20074751e.2025.33.90979Redefining socio-emotional training within the context of the online high school in Mexico
<p>Socio-emotional development is essential for shaping an active, critical, and committed citizenry aligned with democratic values. This article examines its importance online high school education in Mexico and proposes strategies for effective implementation, such as project-based learning and service-learning, to foster meaningful participation. Additionally, it highlights the need to integrate socio-emotional development, recognizing that an engaged citizenry requires skills like empathy and conflict resolution. A theoretical and practical framework is presented to address these topics in online environments, emphasizing the role of information and communication technologies and the need to overcome challenges such as digital divides.</p>Jesús Alberto Sánchez Valtierra
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2025-03-012025-03-01173310.22201/cuaieed.20074751e.2025.33.90980Methodology for enhancing accessibility in Moodle: Redesign of the Mechanics I course
<p>Through a rigorous methodological approach and a comprehensive strategic plan, this article examines strategies to improve accessibility in the Mechanics I online course within the Virtual High School Program at Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa. The study is based on the premise that accessibility is an ethical and social imperative, not merely a legal requirement. It argues that the lack of accessibility can lead to the exclusion of students with disabilities, thereby compromising both educational quality and equity. The article presents a comprehensive design framework structured into key phases: empathizing, planning, diagnosing, identifying resources, redesigning, and evaluating. The objective is to provide a set of strategies and tools that can serve as a guideline for future research and applications in online education, ultimately contributing to a more inclusive and equitable learning environment.</p>José Manuel Mendoza RománJosé Alberto Alvarado LemusJesús Ernesto Duarte Gastélum
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2025-03-012025-03-01173310.22201/cuaieed.20074751e.2025.33.90981Implementation of the PhETdigital simulator in teaching Gay-Lussac's Law: A distance learning sequence in high school
<p>Experimental practices are essential in teaching, since they enrich theory with direct experiences, promoting deep and lasting learning. In current education, strategies such as Problem-Based Learning (PBL) are adopted to develop scientific skills. In teaching Selected Topics in High School Chemistry, Gay-Lussac's Law is addressed through experimental practices, facing challenges such as time and infrastructure limitations. To overcome this, digital simulators such as PhET are used, which allow students to experience chemical phenomena in real time. A distance teaching sequence implemented in a face-to-face general high school in 2023, using PhET, demonstrated the effectiveness of these digital tools in teaching. Students worked as a team and recognized Gay-Lussac's Law through simulations on a specific problem, which resulted in an improvement in their academic performance. The methodology not only facilitated theoretical understanding, but also developed problem-solving and critical thinking skills, demonstrating that digital tools can effectively complement teaching.</p>Alejandro Alcaraz GonzálezMyriam Elizabeth Cobián Aguayo
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2025-03-012025-03-01173310.22201/cuaieed.20074751e.2025.33.91009Use of gamification tools to motivate participation in distance high school
<p>This article analyzes the implementation of gamified learning tools in open learning environments. These sessions are meant to reinforce key content and encourage student interaction, face common challenges in virtual education, including low engagement and limited active participation. To address these challenges, the tools Kahoot, Quizizz, and Mentimeter were used, featuring gamified activities such as real-time quizzes, matching games, and instant feedback exercises. As a result, student attendance and interaction increased, compared to previous sessions. Furthermore, students reported feeling more motivated attributing their enthusiasm to the playful and competitive nature of the platforms.</p>Alejandro Domingo Velázquez Cruz
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2025-03-012025-03-01173310.22201/cuaieed.20074751e.2025.33.90984COIL: internationalization from home to online upper secondary
<p>Dr. Osvaldo Succi Junior is a leading expert in Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL). He serves as the Virtual Exchange Coordinator at Centro Paula Souza (FATEC - CESU) in Brazil. In 2014, his team received the Santander Bank-Guia do Estudante Award for Best Academic Partnership for a COIL-Virtual Exchange collaboration developed with the State University of New York at Ulster. He was the first international professor awarded the Lenna Visiting Professorship by Saint Bonaventure University. In this short video, he encourages us to reflect on integrating COIL into online upper secondary education as a vehicle for connecting students with other cultures.</p>Osvaldo Succi Junior
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2025-03-012025-03-01173310.22201/cuaieed.20074751e.2025.33.90985Interview with Dr. Gonçalo da Camara e Almeida Pinto from New Uzbekistan University
<p>In this interview with the Director of the Center for Academic Excellence at New Uzbekistan University, Dr. Gonçalo da Camara e Almeida Pinto, key innovations defining this institution are presented. The university offers instruction exclusively in English and, despite being only three years old, has faced various challenges. Among these are the heterogeneous academic background of incoming students, particularly in mathematics, the lack of English proficiency among some administrative staff, and long-established teaching practices that may not align with the institution’s planned educational processes.</p>Guadalupe Vadillo
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2025-03-012025-03-01173310.22201/cuaieed.20074751e.2025.33.90990Sixtieth National Conference on New Trends in Distance Education in Mexico. Education 4.0
<p>The 15th National Colloquium on Online Higher Secondary Education, organized by "La Red de Bachilleratos Públicos a Distancia" (RED), was held online from September 2 to 13, 2024, with the Autonomous University of Yucatán as its host institution. Under the theme "Achievements, Scope, and Opportunities for the Present and Future of Online Higher Secondary Education," the event brought together over 300 participants from 25 educational institutions. Its main objective was to promote critical reflection and the exchange of experiences on the achievements, progress, and prospects of online higher secondary education. Discussions covered topics such as best practices, academic and management experiences, student support, educational resources, and research. The colloquium has become a key space for strengthening knowledge and experience sharing in the context of the ongoing renewal of higher secondary education.</p>Vanessa Patrón GuillermoÉrika Guadalupe Patrón LoezaManuel J. Herrera Góngora
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<p>The Revista Mexicana de Bachillerato a Distancia (RMBD) is an academic and refereed electronic publication. Its purpose is to disseminate research results, theory and best practices in distance high school. It represents the effort of the mexican public universities that offer distance learning high school, grouped in the Red de Bachilleratos Universitarios Públicos a Distancia (RED), to provide a forum that allows sharing research results in these programs and academic, technological and management experiences.</p>Anabel de la Rosa Gómez
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2025-03-012025-03-01173310.22201/cuaieed.20074751e.2025.33.91005Nueva Escuela Mexicana and upper secondary education
<p>The implementation of the educational project known as the New Mexican School (NEM) was the main proposal in educational matters during the six-year term of Mr. Andrés Manuel López Obrador in the presidency of the Republic. Of all the public universities that have a baccalaureate, the Autonomous Universities of Guerrero (UAGro) and the Autonomous Universities of Nayarit (UAN) were the first to transition to the NEM in the 2023-2024 school year. In short, it is an ambitious project that, although it faces challenges and criticism, also presents important advances and lays the foundations for future transformations in the national educational system.</p>Marilú Meneses
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2025-03-012025-03-01173310.22201/cuaieed.20074751e.2025.33.91006Unveiling Scholarly Insights: Quality Assurance in Open and Distance Education
<p>Open and distance education (ODE) has continuously evolved, significantly influencing educational, daily, and professional spheres, thereby prompting interest in its sustainability and quality. This study explored global scientific perspectives on quality assurance in ODE using the science mapping method. Search terms centred on open education, distance education, and quality assurance; data was gathered from 4,224 scientific texts in the Web of Science Core Collection. Analyses were conducted using VOSviewer software. Co-authorship analyses explored scientific collaboration structures at the country level. Globally shared concepts of interest to the scientific community were addressed using co-occurrence analyses. A detailed examination of co-occurrence outputs led to classification related to general and emerging key concepts. Results depicted a widespread global interest in quality assurance in ODE, fostering connections based on new cultural similarities. The concept of quality assurance in ODE continues to be enriched and developed, gravitating towards focused learning and instruction, establishing strong ties with various components of regular education as well as human elements. However, the prevailing view of quality assurance has yet to encompass this diversity. Rather than consider the nature and current potential of ODE, it has maintained an externalized and technical perspective.</p>Salih Bardakci
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2025-03-012025-03-01173310.22201/cuaieed.20074751e.2025.33.91008Online Mathematics teaching: Challenges and solutions
<p>This article of testimonies from the Public Distance University Baccalaureate Network presents a specific aspect of the programs in the academic, technological and management areas. In the first phase, throughout ten issues of the Mexican Distance Baccalaureate Magazine, since February 2020, the testimonies of the various actors who make these programs possible were presented. Now, in this new phase, the problems, challenges and solutions of teaching various key disciplines at the upper secondary level are explored. It will begin with one of the greatest concerns of teachers and directors of high school programs: the teaching of mathematics. In order to introduce the topic, we will briefly address the case of negative emotions towards mathematics that represent a challenge for mathematics teachers, as pointed out by several of the online high school teachers in their testimonies included in this text.</p>Omar Terrazas RazoGuadalupe Vadillo
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