Promoting Independence During Computer Assisted Reading Instruction for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders

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Joshua B. Plavnick
Troy Mariage
Carol Sue Englert
Kara Constantine
Lori Skibbe


 Headsprout®  Early Reading (HER) is a web-based instructional program designed to teach nonreaders to read at a mid-second grade level within approximately one year of instruction. Though developed for the general population, recent research suggests children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) may also benefit from using HER when one-to-one adult support is also provided (Grindle, Hughes, Saville, Huxley, & Hastings, 2013). Procedures to support independent interaction of children with ASD with HER may increase the usability of the program for this group. This study examined the impact of a behavior intervention package on the independent engagement and correct interactions per minute of 4 children with ASD with HER using a multiple baseline across participants design. Results showed that participants (1) required the behavior intervention to engage with the program and (2) demonstrated an increase in engagement and correct interactions per minute and a decrease in behavior that interfered with engagement when the behavior intervention was implemented.

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How to Cite
Plavnick, J. B., Mariage, T., Sue Englert, C., Constantine, K., & Skibbe, L. (2014). Promoting Independence During Computer Assisted Reading Instruction for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Mexican Journal of Behavior Analysis, 40(2).

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