Effects ofreinforcingfragntentary responses in the “use” of article number in prescholar children

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Elda Cantú
Emilio Ribes


The correct “use” of tite number of tite article wo.sstudied witit fourprescholar chil dren. Tite operant level of tite grammatical particle was assessed, without eitherprotnpts nor reinforcetnent. Later Qn assoctations among fragmentary responses of tite nutnber of tite article, and tite suffix of tite substantive were reinforeed, evaluating its effects in a reversion phase. A rephcation, of tite effect with a new set of stimuh was carried out, training associations artide-substantive’s suffix in tite first pitase. An increase to tite 100% in tite appropriate use of tite number of tite article was observed, in comparison witit tite fortner baseline. Resuits are analysed in tertns of extensive idiomatic segtnents, mediated by fragtnentary units, as un aiternative to tite traditionat atproacites regarding deep structures or generative repertoires.

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How to Cite
Cantú, E., & Ribes, E. (2011). Effects ofreinforcingfragntentary responses in the “use” of article number in prescholar children. Mexican Journal of Behavior Analysis, 1(1), 43–55. https://doi.org/10.5514/rmac.v1.i1.27057

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