Effects of the “Condtioned Stünutus/Inter-stimulus Intervtal” parameter, T, on avoidance behavior

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Henry Casalta C.
José Burgos


The possibility to integrate s~gnaled shuttle-box avoidance to tite t-tau system Ls pro¬posed, on tite boris of an equivalence of tite parameters T (td/td + t delta ratio) vid CE/lS! (Conditicíned Stitnulus/Jnter.stirnulus Interval rajo). Six rats were etnployed to evaluote tite effects of tite para meter 7 = CE/lS! on avoidance beltavior. Tite results sitowed titat increments of this parameter itad differential effects on avoidance behavior, latency and anticipatory responses of subjects previously classified as goød and bad regarding avøidance behavior. Moreover, it was observed that nonelicited anticipatory responses (anticipatory responses ,ninus received shocks) could be predictors of avoidance efficien¬cy. With increases in T, good avoiders kept a Itigh efficiency, minimal latencies and a decrease in anticipatory responses, (botit, elicited and non elicited); witereas bad avoiders progressively itnproved titeir efficiency, sitowing long latencies titat decreases as T was incresed and did not sitow systematic changes in anticipatory responses.

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How to Cite
Casalta C., H., & Burgos, J. (2011). Effects of the “Condtioned Stünutus/Inter-stimulus Intervtal” parameter, T, on avoidance behavior. Mexican Journal of Behavior Analysis, 1(2), 101–111. https://doi.org/10.5514/rmac.v1.i2.26995

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