Establíshmerzt of barpressing itt rats using electric sho ch: Evaluation of dzfferertt temporal relationships

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Javier Gutiérrez R.
Carlos Aparicio N.
Rosa María Larios


Eighteen rats were employed in six different experimental conditions evaluating the effects of contingent and temporal relationships between electric shock asid introduction of the lever into the experimental chamber. ln general, the results show a fast barpressing response establishment independently of the temporal relationship held between the stimuli and the established consequence to the response and considerable differences con¬sistent with their maintenance. These results question the nature of the autoshaping response, and are discussed froni different theoretical positions.

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How to Cite
Gutiérrez R., J., Aparicio N., C., & Larios, R. M. (2011). Establíshmerzt of barpressing itt rats using electric sho ch: Evaluation of dzfferertt temporal relationships. Mexican Journal of Behavior Analysis, 1(2), 107–119.

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