Approach and Withdrawal Behavior in Pavlovian Aversive Conditioning in the PigeonI

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Javier Nieto
Robert A. Boakes


Groups of pigeons were exposed to several types of correlations between keylightand shocks, the pigeons' behavior was measured as approach or withdrawal from thekeylight. Experiment 1 showed that a signalled avoidance task is learned faster whenthe instrumental response is to withdraw from the signal than when it is to approach thesignal. Experiment 2 showed withdrawal behavior from the keylight in a purely Pavlovianprocedure, but faíled to show the approach towards a Pavlovian inhibitor. Experiment 3showed approach to a keylight between-sessions negatively correlated with shocks,whereas such a behavior was not observed in control groups. Thus, both Pavlovian excitersand inhibitors can elicit behavior which reflect the hedonic consequences of the presentationand omission of a reinforcer.

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How to Cite
Nieto, J., & Boakes, R. A. (2011). Approach and Withdrawal Behavior in Pavlovian Aversive Conditioning in the PigeonI. Mexican Journal of Behavior Analysis, 1(1), 173–194.

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