Effects of immobilization induced strees on Learned responses in rats: changes in free-operant avoidance responses

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Jordi Fernández Castro
Margalida Coll Andreu


Alter being trained to avoid/escape a shock by pressing a lever (nondiscriminatedlreeoperantavoidance learning), 30 male rats were assigned to the lollowing groups: 1) "stressalter a period 01 rest": 22 h alter the last acquisition session, rats in this group were subjected to two hours of immobilization stress and then tested. New tests were performed24 and 48 h after the aplication of stress. 2) "stress before a period of rest": in thisgroup, the stressor was administered immediately after the last acquisition sessions. Tesistook place 24, 48 and 72 h. la ter. 3) Control without stress. Results indicate that stressinduced a deficit in the performance of the avoidance/escape response and subsequent¡n Creases in the number of shocks received. In group 1 this deficit increased with the sub·sequent sessions.

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How to Cite
Fernández Castro, J., & Coll Andreu, M. (2011). Effects of immobilization induced strees on Learned responses in rats: changes in free-operant avoidance responses. Mexican Journal of Behavior Analysis, 1(1), 145–152. https://doi.org/10.5514/rmac.v1.i1.26909

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