The effect of reinforcement cycle duration on the sttimulus/response-rez·nforcement gradient

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Carlos A. Bruner
Jorge E. Landaverd


Two groups of plgeons, each with a different reinforcement cycle, were exposed tosuccesive increments of the distance between the stimulus/response site and reinforcement,using the autoshapingjautomaintenance situation. It was found that in both groups,increasing the separation between events, produced orderly decrements in the strength ofthe response, suggesting a distance gradient. The reinforcement cycle duration had effectson the slople of these gradients. The group with the longer reinforcement cycle producedshallower gradients than the group with the shorter cycle. It was concluded that lengtheningthe reinforcement cycle dampens the weakening effect of increasing the distancebetween the stimulusjresponse and reinforcement, in the autoshaping/ automaintenance situation. It was also concluded that this effect is parallel to that of increasing the temporaldistance between the experimental events

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How to Cite
Bruner, C. A., & Landaverd, J. E. (2011). The effect of reinforcement cycle duration on the sttimulus/response-rez·nforcement gradient. Mexican Journal of Behavior Analysis, 1(1), 127–134.

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