Relational preferences in humans f: Second order concurrent discrimination with visual s#muli

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Osmaldo Coronado


Adults were trained with a concurrent second order conditional procedure. Fourrelations were used: matching-to-sample, oddity-from-sample, symbolic matching andsymbolic oddity. The purposes were: to detect patterns of relational preferences; toassess correlanons among preferences, level of performance and latencies for each relation,. to detect variations in these parame ters due to the verbal or non verbal modalityof the second order stimuli; and to construct a hierarchy of the explored relations. Duringtraining sessions color and shapes were presented with feedback programmed after eachmal (zr¡rf., at the end of the sem·on. Transference consisted of training sessions and newsessions with color and numerical pattems, these only with final feedback. Six out ofseven subjects preferred simple relations, specially oddity, rather than symbolic ones.Preferences did correlate with level of performance per relation; in simple relations latencíesvart:ed negatively with respect to correct responses_ Level of performance was notaffected by the verbal or non verbal modality of second order snmuli; however modalityaffected preferences. Initial contacts with programmed contingencies wereanalized in relation with preferences. A hierarchyof relations is offeredbased on performance and preference analysis.

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How to Cite
Coronado, O. (2011). Relational preferences in humans f: Second order concurrent discrimination with visual s#muli. Mexican Journal of Behavior Analysis, 1(1), 37–54.

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