The effects of horn devaluation on the transfer of conditioned inhibition between horn and shock

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Javier Nieto
Robert A. Boakes


Two experiment using a cnnditinned suppressinn procedure iii rats assessed transfer of conditioned iahibitinn frorn a lnud car hora te electric shock, after postconditionlng manipulations designcd te habituate or cnuntercnnditinning tite aversive effects of tite hora. Bnth experhnents showed that tite inhibitory effects of a stimnulus are not resfrkted te tite reinforccr used la ita establishment, but that they generalize to otherreinfnrcers with similar characteristics. Tite experimcnts were less successful la habituating asad counter¬conditioning tite hora despite tite use of varinus parametric variatinns. Tite implications of diese findings for thenrics of conditinned inhibition are discussed.

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How to Cite
Nieto, J., & Boakes, R. A. (2011). The effects of horn devaluation on the transfer of conditioned inhibition between horn and shock. Mexican Journal of Behavior Analysis, 1(1), 145–162.

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