Natural reinforcement in a Walden two community

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Los Horcones


Los Horcones u a Walden two-type contrnunity which applies behavior technology principies to ita daily functionning, at the sanie time that attcmpts to increaae mach technology through experiments oit behaviors relevant to cultural deuign. Since in this cornmunity no rnoney nor tokens are employed. comrnunitarian reinforcers are used to achieve homogeneous conaequences lii the cornmunity. Both, cornmunitarian rein¬forcas asid conimunitarian discrimatiye stimuli forrn tIte concept of cornmunitarian contingency iii Los Horcones. To establish comrnunitarian behavior, intrmnsic or natural reinforcers are preferred over extrinsic or contrived reinforcera; sorne procedures have been developed in tus comrnunity for rnaldng tite natural consequences of a behavior reinforcing, and for maintaining naturally reinforced behavior.

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How to Cite
Horcones, L. (2011). Natural reinforcement in a Walden two community. Mexican Journal of Behavior Analysis, 1(1), 131–143.

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