The impact of tite experimental analysis of behavior in psychobiology: tite case of behavior pltarmacology

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Victor A. Colotla


Despite Skinner’s apparent anti-physiological postt&re, since Aix early writings, tite experimental analysis of behavior ant! psychobiology han rnarched kant! by ¡sant!, ant! Aove benefited front cocA other beyond any dottbt. Tite present paper examines tite ir.¬pact that tite behavior analysis aproach itas had upon psyckobiolog-y throstgh tite example of behavioral pharmacology. With tisis pus-pose, tite foüowing arcas are reviewed: (a)preclinical screenning ant! evatuation of compounds; (6) tIte biochetnical substratum of ,reinforcement ant! schedule-controlled behavior; (c) tIte modulation of drug effects by environmental factors; (d) tite conditioning mechanisrns of drug addiction; and (3) bekav. iord toxicology. TIte rapprochement between tite two disciplines expands tIte oreas of application of behavioral procedures; mercases racas-ch possibilities ant! support tite basic findings of tIte operant researcher.

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How to Cite
Colotla, V. A. (2011). The impact of tite experimental analysis of behavior in psychobiology: tite case of behavior pltarmacology. Mexican Journal of Behavior Analysis, 1(2), 83–94.

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