The contemporary state of behavior theory

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W. N. Schoenfield


The contemporary state of behavior theory is analysed, and its development is fraced to theories asid paradigms for te study of behaviorpropesed by phiosophers asid scientists such as Descartes, Sechenov, Pavlov, Darwin asid Ebbinghaus amnong others. It is suggested that te contemporary state of behavior theory is an unstable one, asid it cannot be expected to continue that way indefinitely. Its state it not te pre-promotional sofl tbat anticipates simple adjustment iii a scientific theory. Rather, it is a trasisition frorn long¬established concepts asid assumptions asid dogmas to otbers that are certain to beradica]ly different. It wil demasid sorne difficult asid painful shifts isi our resistent habits of tbought about behavior, in te from and content of onr behavior theories.

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How to Cite
Schoenfield, W. N. (2011). The contemporary state of behavior theory. Mexican Journal of Behavior Analysis, 1(2), 55–82.

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