Configuration of the written mode of competences developed in oral form as the effect of functional exercise
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This study aimed to establish, in children who start aprendiajewriting, if the functional level of a written exercise mode affects the likelihood that developed in the way comptenecias spoken also be configured as written. 33 children were selected in an initial evaluation showed a low tendency to express conditional relations, causal and functional (RCCF) to speak and escribirsobre a pet and a game. Children were assigned to four experimental groups, whoexercised the written language in different functional Nuvelo: contextual, supplementary sistitutivo selector and reference. After this all children hey were trained to talk about crabs, linking theirphysical characteristics and behaviors your fucnión their conditions of occurrence. In a final stage, asked the children to speak and write about the same pet, and the same game as in the initial evaluation.The results indicated that the functional level of the league writtenexercise affects the likelihood that the skills developed in the spokenmode is also set in the written mode.
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How to Cite
Mares Cárdenas, G., Rivas García, O., & Bazán Ramírez, A. (2011). Configuration of the written mode of competences developed in oral form as the effect of functional exercise. Mexican Journal of Behavior Analysis, 28(2), 173–202.