The behavioral satiety sequence: An analysis of feeding behavior

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Alonso V.E López
J M. Mancilla Díaz
R. E. Escartín Pérez


Through a review of the literature, this paper has comoobjetivopresent the analysis of behavioral sequence of satiety as an alternative to evaluate the action of the drugs hipofágica on condcutasupply. The fact that different drugs prservan or disrupt behavioralsatiety sequence makes it a useful tool in identifying drugs withtherapeutic use in treating eating disorders. The analysis of thebehavioral satiety sequence also serves as a procedure for acquiring new Know-physiological mechanisms and neurochemicalresponsible for controlling feeding behavior.

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How to Cite
López, A. V., Mancilla Díaz, J. M., & Escartín Pérez, R. E. (2011). The behavioral satiety sequence: An analysis of feeding behavior. Mexican Journal of Behavior Analysis, 28(2), 131–144.

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