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Mónica Fulgencio Juárez
Héctor E. Ayala Velázquez


This article presents the results of the application of a model to determine the social validity of a behavioral intervention program for children with behavior problems and that have been victims of child abuse. A discussion on the importance of determining the social validity of behavioral interventions as a means to evaluate the program effectiveness and in insuring that the needs of the consumers are met is presented. The assessment of the social validity of the program was conducted at three levels: 1) the degree of client's satisfaction with the treatment goals established, 2) the level of acceptability of the treatment procedures employed , 3) the overall satisfaction of the consumers with the treatment outcomes of the programo The social validity of treatment goal selection was assessed by having the parents respond to a questionnaire regarding treatment goal selection. The acceptability of treatment procedures was determined in 6 stages. In each stage, the parent rated the acceptability of a variety of behavioral procedures applied to the same behavioral problem. A written description of the use of each procedures as well a video-taped vignette illustrating its use was presented the parents. A modified version of the Treatment Evaluation Inventory (Kazdin, 1980a) was used to establish the acc~ptability scores for each procedures. Satisfaction with treatment outcomes was assessed through consumer satisfaction questionnaire that the applied to the parents after completion of each of the intervention procedures that constitute the treatment programo The results show the social validity of the program in that the high degree of satisfaction with treatment goals, a high level of acceptability with the procedures employed and overall satisfaction with treatment outcomes.

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How to Cite
Fulgencio Juárez, M., & Ayala Velázquez, H. E. (2011). SOCIAL VALlOITY OF BEHAVIORAL INTERVENTIONS WITH CHILOREN: EVALUATION OF GOALS, PROCEDURES AND RESULTS. Mexican Journal of Behavior Analysis, 22(2), 113–138.

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