The role ofContiguity and Contingency in Conditioning: A Review and a Methodological Proposal

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Héctor Martínez Martínez


The present paper describes the concepts of contiguity and contingency that have been most influential in conditioning theory. Sorne of the conditions that each view specifies as crucial for conditioning were abstracted from a partial review of the li­terature. Relative to the concept of contiguity, the notion of contingency seems broader, considering that it can establish a more comprehensive set of relations among the elements present in conditioning. Sorne failures of contingency theory to explain phenomena such as blocking or overshadowing, are nevertheless acknow­ledged.

In an attempt to overcome previous limitations of contingency theory, a model of covariation is introduced. This model as sumes the performance of comparative ac­tions to establish and to validate relations among events. Such a model enables the analysis of both, succeses and failures of conditioning. FinalIy, sorne applications of the covariation model to other areas of conditioning and learning are suggested.

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How to Cite
Martínez, H. M. (2011). The role ofContiguity and Contingency in Conditioning: A Review and a Methodological Proposal. Mexican Journal of Behavior Analysis, 21(3), 75–106.

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