Probability of reinforcement and its signalizing in a temporally defined schedule

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Claudio A. Carpio
Rubén González
Emilio Ribes


Six naive rats were used to assess the effeets of ehanging probability ofreinforeement (PRS) independently from probability ofa neutral simulus (PNS), in a temporally defined shedule. Effeets of orden of eontingent (e) and non eontingent (Ne) eonditions were also assessed; a group received the sequenee e-Ne and another the Ne-e. A positive function was observed for the first group, between rate of response and values of PRS and PNS, particulary during the non-contingent reinforcement eondition. For the seeond group only PRS effeets wwre obtained, without any systemaetic effeets over PNS. Results are examined under a parametrie perspective, pointing to the limitations of ad hoc eoneep. tíons used for exptaining local effects

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How to Cite
Carpio, C. A., González, R., & Ribes, E. (2011). Probability of reinforcement and its signalizing in a temporally defined schedule. Mexican Journal of Behavior Analysis, 12(2), 89–104.

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