Parental involvement in education: A review and synthesis of the literature.

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M. I. Ehrlich,



It is generally accepted that parents influence signíficantly the rnanncr in which their children approach the dernands of school. Research has consistently shown a strong, positive relationship between parental involvcrnent activities (e.g., belping with bomework) and children manifesting appropriatc classroom attitudes, behavior, asid achievernent. The parental involvenient literature is rcviewed systernatically as a rneans of conceptua:

lizing the vadous parental involvement roles. Parental involvement can be distinguished by both its home asid school focus. One rnay consider the borne focus as primary invol­venient, ira that the parents~ behavior is more directly asid ernpirically related to the chsldren s classroorn efforts. The school focus is conceived of as secondary involvement in that the school is opcrating as a rnedÁating Iink between parent behaviors and child­ren’s classroom performance. Suggestions are aIso offered regarding the establishrnent of parental involvement programs.

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How to Cite
Ehrlich, M. I. (2011). Parental involvement in education: A review and synthesis of the literature. Mexican Journal of Behavior Analysis, 7(1), 49–68.

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