Mediated generalization: The construction of complex interactions among responses

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H. Casalta


Mediated generalization is the general process that explains tite inductive interactions on tite basis of non definitory properties among dsfferent stimulus or response classes. In stimulus mediated generalization, a stimulus or a stimulus property that was not origi­nally conditioned acquires control over the response through mediation of another res­ponse. In response mediated generalization, a response or a response property that was not originally a conditioned response is produced because of tite control mediated by another stimulus. Mediated generalization is illustrated with several examples and its theoretical signiflcance is discussed.

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How to Cite
Casalta, H. (2011). Mediated generalization: The construction of complex interactions among responses. Mexican Journal of Behavior Analysis, 6(2), 167–183.

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